Work Ethics

Task: Plan and compose a narrative essay
Essay Topic: Writer's choice
Essay Type: Narrative Essay
Length: 1 page
Formatting: APA
Requirements: Write a narrative essay based on Marsh’s article, as well as the Module Notes, the Funk and Wagnalls ethics reading, and the Kant presentation. Identify one ethical issue in Marsh’s article (do not use poverty and education) and write this as an ethical statement.
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Work ethic is a value established by diligence and hard work. It also involves the belief in moral benefit in work and enhancement of character ability. The workers who possess good work ethic should be given high position and promotion at work.

The ethics of work is an ethical issue as even God himself revealed the importance of the virtue and many conservative believes that laziness is morally wrong. The work ethic is a good discussion topic as work is life and every human being work to earn a living. Therefore, in the organization of work, attendance is very crucial for the work to be done properly. For example, attendance in class is important as one can understand the objectives of the course and presenting assignments in time. In the business the attendance of the employee is important as it will affect the production of the company (Funk and Wagnalls, 1986).

The other important factor in work is character whereby one, is expected to maintain honesty, self-discipline and willing to perform the work. As an employee, one may be put in charge of company property and money therefore; trust is a vital element in that company. The attitude and willingness to have self- control and help others to do their work is a reflection of responsibility.

Nowadays, teamwork is highly used in almost every organization. In the workplace, teamwork is demonstrated through the interaction with other co-workers and also the customers. In any organization, people share different cultures and backgrounds, respect to their differences result to successful business. However, continued relationship increases technical skills and also life skills (Funk and Wagnalls, 1986).

The attitude one has in work matters a lot and determines how the work is performed. Moreover, for the work to be a successful one has to demonstrate a positive attitude that depends on the sense of self-worth. The development of positive attitude results to increased production and profit maximization.

The mode of communication in the work-place and working towards a common goal are essential to ensure work is done properly (Funk and Wagnalls, 1986).


Henry, O, (1926).The complete works of Henry {Pseud.}.New York: Doubleday, Page &Co. for Funk &Wagnalls.

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I think a high school dropout could write better. Maybe even a well-trained gorilla.

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