What are the symbolic meanings of the figures of speech in Hero’s epitaph in 5.3:

Task: Write a reflective essay
Essay Topic: What are the symbolic meanings of the figures of speech in Hero's epitaph in 5.3
Essay Type: Reflection essay
Length: 2 pages
Formatting: MLA
Requirements: What are the symbolic meanings of the figures of speech in Hero's epitaph in 5.3 and what do they say about Claudio?
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When Hero passed away, her epitaph was written with some hidden meanings. The figures of speech used on her epitaph suggest that Hero was maligned to her demise. It also states that Hero’s reputation will rule supreme in the future as she is dead. Claudio also insists that he will be visiting the tomb o0nce every year tom perform his ritual. The epitaph on her grave suggests that Claudio is the sole source of her death. He was supposed to marry her out of their love that had blossomed. Their love had broadened after Claudio’s return from the war and became attracted to Hero’s beauty. His attraction towards her was greater than it was before the war and struggled to get her for marriage (SparkNotes). Claudio had to compete against Don Pedro for her and when he finally got her, he refused to marry her during the wedding day. Claudio claims that he thought Hero to be Diana, goddess of virgins but he realized that she was like Venus, the goddess of all who aren’t virgins. He emphasized that she attracted people by her outward beauty but not by her personality and claimed that he will view the beauty as the devil of love. His refusal to marry her culminated to hard feelings among Antonio, Leonato, Benedick and Hero. The epitaph condemns Claudio as the cause of Hero’s self-poisoning.

Claudio’s heroic view of Hero is real and articulates her behaviors. Although, Claudio condemns Hero due to her lies and poor character, he is remorseful about losing her. He imagines how he has struggled to convince her for a hand in marriage but decides to confront her on the marriage day (SparkNotes 191). On the marriage day, he is unable to directly confront her, therefore, showing that he is remorseful and loves her. He in turn confronts the congregation on whether there is anyone who has an objection against her marriage. He gains ground against her and confronts everyone involved wi9th the marriage. Although he confronts everyone with a strange and commanding voice, he finally calms down and allows Hero to defend herself. Claudio’s allowance of Hero to defend herself while he did not allow other people, confirms remorse and penitence from his heart.

Later, hero dies and is buried, whereby Claudio goes to plant an epitaph on hero’s grave. He even agrees to marry leonato’s niece and contemplates on the reason why Leonato is so nice to him even after his refusal to marry Hero. He claims that he will mourn with Hero on her grave tonight and sets of to put an epitaph on her grave. This shows that Claudio is sorry for Hero’s demise but does not convince me that he is truly sorry. He is the one who initiated her death process through ruining her public image. The major doubt is whether he can accept her back if she is not dead (SparkNotes). He seems to be appeasing his future father-in-law and the town that he is really sorry. His one night vigil for the admission that Hero was innocent seems to be a ploy so as to be allowed to marry Leonato’s niece.

In conclusion, Claudio does not seem sorry for Hero’s death as he continues to confront his friends. Most of his friends condemn him for killing Hero but he vehemently challenges and mimics them.

Works Cited

SparkNotes. Shakespeare. New York: SparkNotes, 2004.

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Well, that was horrible. The author seems to have not cared about what he or she wrote; word choice, grammar, and the overall content was poor.

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