What Unhappy Customers Want

Task: Explore the problem of what unhappy customers want and provide solutions.
Essay Topic: What Unhappy Customers Want
Essay Type: Exploratory Essay
Length: 3 pages
Formatting: N/A
Requirements: Write an exploratory essay on how to treat the unhappy customers. Provide answers to this complex question and options on how to deal with it.
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Primarily, one should mention that I have read the article “What Unhappy Customers Want” written by Grainer et al. The main idea of the article is that companies tried to improve customer complaint resolution, however, these campaigns were not successful and; as a result, new approached to this issue are needed.

Besides, according to the research made by the U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs  in 1976, the customer’s expectations were not being met. However, despite the fact that companies tried to solve the above mentioned situation, the National Customer Rage of 2013 shows the level of customer satisfaction is even lower than the previous time  – 50 percent compared to 32 percent in 1976. This happens in spite of various factors such as social networking sites, where unhappy consumers may share their points of view; the critical psychological state of the customers; who are eager to yell if they do not like the provided services; and, finally, the fact that companies fail to solve comsumers` problems at once.

It is necessary to say some words of the results provided by the Customer Care Measurement & Consulting over the period of 40 years. Firstly, one of the most important pieces of advice claim that companies are to promote unhappy customers to complain; but, at the same time, they are to be ready to solve their problems. Thus, due to the study of 1976, 90 percent of those unhappy consumers, who complained of the bad service, remained loyal customers unlike those, who did not have such an opportunity. What is more, companies are to be aware of the results, they wait from customer complain programs as the numbers say that only 20 percent of consumers were satisfied with the consequences of their complaining experience. Additionally, it is significant to understand that, in most cases, unhappy customers are more likely to talk to a person than a computer as 66 percent of people are eager to express their complains via the phone. Moreover, one has to remember that the unsatisfied customers are more loud in online networking sites, than those, who are satisfied. Thus, other consumers are more eager to listen to negative comments rather than to positive. However, the investigations of 2011 showed the opposite results as due to it, people were more influenced by the positive posts and; to add more, 54 percent of individuals using social network were more likely to post the pros of the provided service. Finally, the companies should know that for the consumers, dissatisfaction with the products is more than money. Besides, the study displayed that more individuals want non-financial compensation and 92 percent of them demand themselves to be treated with respect.

All in all, the existing customer complain system is to be reformed. Thereof, the new approach emphasizes that there should be special services in each company, whose members may provide unhappy clients with effective, one-stop solutions for their problems. Besides, the customer’s time spent on this process, is to be minimized greatly. Furthermore, companies are to encourage the interaction with their consumers in social networking sites in order to know their points of view and to solve certain issues if necessary. What is more, companies are provide each single unhappy client with the solution of his problem with the view of preserving their reputation.

To conclude, companies should find approach to every customer and to understand his own needs. To fulfill this task, there have to be representatives of two customer services: those, engaged in solving traditional problems such as goods` defects and also advisers, who may explain how the devices are used. Consequently, it will help to contribute to the delivery of the higher level of client service.

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Not bad, but the poor use of punctuation, transitions, and words got in the way. Punctuation was often misused and awkwardly placed. Transitions were repeated and seemed stale. Sometimes, the phrasing of sentences just seemed awkward. And... where are the references? None. This writer is either lazy or not competent enough to know how to put together a complete essay.

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