Article Analysis

Task: Analyze the substance of the article.
Essay Topic: Article Analysis
Essay Type: Analytical Essay
Length: 3 pages
Formatting: APA
Requirements: Write an analytical essay about article analysis that deals with the ways international interventions can influence military conflicts.
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The issue of immigration plays an important role in economic fluctuations. Immigrants also provide an impact on the economic changes. Humanitarian intervention is an encroachment towards the affairs of a foreign state to protect a group of people’s rights from being violated. It is an important approach as it controls the state’s behavior towards their commitment to protecting human rights. Humanitarian intervention is reducing the importance of state by substituting national functions with those of international agreements.

The US has been a leader in humanitarian intervention starting from the time before World War II. However, high trade deficit was one of the contributors to the decline in its humanitarian intervention as a means for acquiring global power. Humanitarian intervention is a threat to social cohesion and it can undermine the welfare of a state. Humanitarian intervention has a multidimensional character in its economic, social and cultural spheres (Breton & Wintrobe, 2005).  It creates opportunities but, at the same time, escalates the cost of goods. It is believed that the major forces following humanitarian intervention are innovation in technology and entrepreneurship, but they do not explain the enhanced economic integration. In some ways the government is also to blame for allowing great interdependence and economic integration of specific activities under the influence of a greater power. Because when the government started supporting economic liberalization, this was when global integration increased. As a result, there have been deregulations in the financial sector and internal controls over foreign exchange have been removed. Capital controls also have been eliminated along with the interest rates controls (Pope, 2008). The traditional barriers that used to limit entry of products have been lifted. Humanitarian intervention has brought cost reduction to communication; this in turn has raised the competition in the telecommunication sector.  However, it can be also viewed as a precondition for the possible military intervention or, in case when the latter is impossible, as another way of gaining influence in the world.


Breton, A., & Wintrobe, R. (2005). The Equilibrium Size of a Budget-maximizing Bureau: A Note on Niskanen’s Theory of Bureaucracy. Journal of Political Economy , 195-208.

Pope, C. (2008). Measuring the distribution of material well-being: U.S. trends. Journal of  Monetary Economics , 66-78.

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Overall Impression:
I rarely see essays with sentences as poorly connected to each other as in this one. Did you even read what you’ve written after finishing the paper? It’s like, “Here goes short Sentence 1. ALSO/HOWEVER (as if the first sentence was supersaturated with details, or there’s a huge contradiction following it). Here also goes Sentence 2, which is long, and you have to guess how exactly it’s related to what Sentence 1 was about.” Well, I’m exaggerating here, and not all of the paper is written in this manner, but there were a couple of times when I was like, “Okay, so what should I make out of this heap of words?” The cherry on the cake is the poor word choice and awkward phrasing used.

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