
Task: Write a personal plan
Essay Topic: Self
Essay Type: Personal Plan
Length: 3 pages
Formatting: MLA
Requirements: Evaluate your past social experience and write a personal plan with the specific targets. List the barriers on the way. Describe strategies for achieving improvements in a social behavior.
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Causes of the Problem

After a traumatizing experience such as loss of a relative or an accident, I feel pre-occupied with feelings of anxiety and depression. Knaus and Ellis observe that there are many causes of depression such as social, biological and psychological factors (n. p). I lament why such predicaments had to happen to me. Desolately, discrimination by my friends and relatives makes me feel unwanted, insecure and alienated from the social group in question. When my friends and relatives lock me out of their company or conversation that I deem important, I develop some negative attitude towards them. Moreover, I recount on several other instances when I have felt unwanted. My sense of belongingness diminishes with discrimination.

Negative Consequences of the Problem

In many instances, when am depressed, I tend to sulk. Additionally, I develop a non-cooperative attitude, and I isolate myself from my age mates, friends and relatives. There are cases where I cry to vent out my pain. I find it difficult to form intimate relationships because of my desire for outright solitude. Depression fuels suicidal attempts and self-destructive behaviors such as drug and substance abuse, crime and promiscuity.

Addressing the Problem

To address my problem, I have sought the services of a psychological counselor in the institution. Norcross, Diclemente and Prochaska label psychotherapy as one of the models of change that is superior over others in helping human beings shed off undesirable behavior and develop a positive attitude towards themselves (n. p). Therefore, through a series of psychotherapy sessions, I have learnt to cope with problems that cause grief, depression and anxiety. Moreover, I have learnt to appreciate other people for who they are and embrace spiritual intervention through prayer. To reduce feelings of grief, I tend to concentrate on activities that make me feel happy and worthwhile. I also avoid bad company that may influence destructive behaviors. As such, I rest well and meditate to set a clear path towards my target goals.

Target Goals

To overcome my problems, I have set some goals that I hope to achieve within a short time span. I will learn how to cope with grief even in compromising situations. With the help of my counselor, I aim at coping with loss and grief through acceptance and proper management of traumatizing situations. In essence, competence in the management of grief helps me extend some guidance and counseling to other students with similar problems.


Ability to cope with grief and manage depression is imperative in my personal development. The skill will help me do away will suicidal feelings that accompany depression. Evidently, it is not rare for a depressed individual to think of suicide. Therefore, my mentorship will help many others who have been through such situations. Managing depression is imperative in maintaining good health and productivity of an individual. Depression precedes a number of health conditions such as cardiovascular illnesses that threaten life. Therefore, management of depression is important to keep one healthy and more assertive to their daily commitments.


Although the accomplishment will automatically reform my life for better, am sure there will be a number of barriers to goal achievement. Thus, it will be quite challenging for me to accept my situation and cope with denial. Similarly, self-acceptance will not be an easy task owing to the feelings of grief that a depressed individual exhibit. Accepting to reveal one’s story to a second party is also a challenging decision.

Identifying Achievement

I will be sure of an achievement once I relapse back to a healthy lifestyle before depression chip pedin. Appreciating myself for who I am is one of the factors that determine my level of achievement. The key factor that spells a probable achievement of my goals is the ability to help others in similar situations and productivity in other aspects of life.


In particular, a strategy that helps me manage depression is self-acceptance. Sharing my problems with other people especially those who have similar ones creates a sense of empathy. Talking to a psychological counselor helps me air out all my problems with a lot of ease. Alberti and Michael (n. p) that when one learns to appease others, they criticize them with no negative intention and without any hidden agenda of manipulation or intimidation. Praying provides important nourishment to the soul and divine intervention for their problems. Covey (n. p) adds “one ought to renew their spiritual self in a way that is in line with their value systems such as prayer and meditation.”


After talking to a counselor about the issues that perturb me, I have become more vibrant owing to the self-acceptance tendency that I have embraced. I have become healthier and productive than I was before. Similarly, the self-destructive feelings that had once pre-occupied my mind are now gone, and I perform better in academics and other daily endeavors.


I have developed self-acceptance and positive attitude towards myself and other people. In a numerical scale, I rate myself on 8 out of 10 because am sure that I have achieved almost all my goals. Moreover, I have learnt to appreciate the sanctity of life and the endless opportunities that it provides.

Works Cited

Alberti, Robert and Michael, Emmons. Your Perfect Right: Assertiveness and Equality in Your
Life and Relationships. Atascadero, California: Impact Publishers, 2005. Print.
Covey, Stephen. Principle-Centered Leadership. New York: Summit Books, 1991. Web.
Knaus, William and Ellis Albert. Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Depression: A Step-By Step Program. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2012. Print.
Norcross, John, Diclemente, Carlo and Prochaska, James. Changing For Good: A Revolutionary
Six-Stage Program for Overcoming Bad Habits and Moving Your Life Positively
Forward. S.L.: HarperCollins, 2010. Web.

5.00 avg. rating (99% score) - 1 vote
Overall Impression:
Well, it’s kind of hard to evaluate, because the topic is delicate and difficult, but the language in which it is written about is bad. The author obviously needs to work on their word choice, writing style, and some aspects of grammar.

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