Media Business in the UAE

Task: Describe the peculiarities of media business in the UAE
Essay Topic: Media Business in the UAE
Essay Type: Argumentative Essay
Length: 10 pages
Formatting: N/A
Requirements: Write an argumentative essay on media business in the UAE. Give solid supportive evidence of your observations.
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The UAE holds a lot of potential for new business especially in the field of media. This is due to the limited regulations for media houses, free zoning areas, and low to free taxes on income generated from media houses. This is a good environment for any business to thrive in, one on the many reasons that has led to the establishment of this business. The business will focus most of its operations in Dubai especially in learning institutions. This is due to the fact that the demographics that the business will have is more compared to the public since it is already dominated by other business, some of which have well established roots in the media industry. The business will referred as Cinema Creations, and it will target all institutions of higher learning especially the media production faculty in Dubai and other parts of the UAE.

The Plan

Since it is still new, the business will focus its operations on media and marketing, publishing, business information, and broadcasting. This will serve to generate income for the business in order as to establish its grounds and expand its operations in the future.  The choice to venture into this business was the benefits that the business could derive from the industry. For example, value added services such as networking prospects, which will see the business gain a lot of inputs from other business in the outside the industry. This will also enable the business to expand its operations through networking with other businesses. Also since learning institutions do not have a lot competition it seemed like a good opportunity, and due to less restrictions from the government, the business will have 100% ownership of the business, this is an important drive for the opening of the business, since the government tends to have ownership percentage in almost every major industry in the UAE region. Since the capital will be needed to establish the business, we intend to enter into partnership with some of the business in the region. This will enable the business to be have financial abilities to start the business. The involvement of the partners in the business will be only on a financial basis as the employees to run the media will be based mostly of the faculty and the students who study under the media production faculty in the institutions. This will give them the much needed experience to advance in their careers in the future. The media industry in Dubai has industry building programs which serve to educate and connect likeminded business individuals. This will serve to enlighten media owners of possible prospective deals as well as teach them how to penetrate and operate in the industry. Cinema Creations will have its offices in one of the major universities in the region, and it will employ the use of the internet in order as to reach many students and institutions that are linked to the campus. Our plan is to create a branch in each and every leaning institution, where both students will get to practice on what they have been taught in school with regards to film production. This will enable then create short and long films which will be aired in cinemas in the UAE region.

Media Method

The media method that the company plans to use is the one of free media to all, where people especially students will get to practice film creation and production where they will document what affects the society around them and air out their opinion on what needs to be done to change the society. The best film will be aired on T.V thus spreading their views to the world. This method will seek to create awareness and promote bureaucracy for all. Business people will also be able to communicate with the public especially the students about themselves and answer the questions raised by the students concerning their input into the society. This method goes hand in hand with the reinforcement theory of communication, where the media acts as a link between the members of the society and serves to create a medium where people can affect the change that they need to see in the society.

The company plans on incorporating the internet together with other sources of information transmission such as magazines, and newsletters. The internet has made communication easier since it is fast and has a wider reach than other modes of transmission. It is for this reason that a lot will be concentrated on this segment. There will be live feeds on YouTube, as well as on the company’s official page. This is in line with the encoding/decoding theory where the audience get to read and derive their own meaning from the information provided by the media. The audience will be given an opportunity to make comments on any of the information posted online and the company will get a chance to evaluate and discuss the issue further when they broadcast the information on live interviews with the public.

These media methods aim to create understanding to all in the society by giving them the right information that holds no propaganda and does not judge its audience

Production Report

The media business is booming and with so is the cost of operations in term people and money. To keep a float the business should maintain good and steady levels of liquidity to ensure its financial stability. The business plan of obtaining its finances is mainly through investors who will mainly generate a 50% contribution for the startup of the business. However, the company aim is to gain majority ownership in the future when the business is successful. We estimate that the company though small would require a startup capital of 1 million dollars, this will help in the setting up of internet servers, marketing of the business and acquiring of premises together with paying of salaries. We are hoping on providing a return on dividend to potential investors on the 4 quarter of the 2 year of the business of 10% followed by a 5% increase on the original offer on the following year. The future projections of the company are indicated in the chart below.

With the above projections the company can stand to grow to other branches in other learning institutions. To make this possible we hope to be the best in the industry since competition is minimal, we also intend to undertake major campaigning strategies in order as to create awareness for the business and garner a wide coverage. We also aim to stay afloat in the market by ensuring that the company’s liquidity rates are reasonable as indicated in the graph below.

The high liquidity rates will enable the business deal with current liabilities without having to look for financial assistance from banks or other financial institutions. This will also serve to improve the reputation of the company thus attracting more investors.

The working environment in the company will be welcoming to both young and old and experienced in the field of media production industry. The culture that the company plans to establish is a just culture which focuses on openness with regards to everything that we do, this in turn will create honesty among the workforce in the company. The company hopes to create a fair working environment for all, since the company will be taking a lot of interns from the student’s faculty. Thus to ensure equitability, the senior members will act as supervisors and help educate the new members, this will also foster the company’s vision of creating a learning and safe environment for all involved, thus ensuring equitability and quality of service delivery. Remuneration of the staff will also be done fairly in order as to motivate the employees to work diligently in their duties.

Budget Estimates

The company intends to operate under a public limited company form of ownership in the media industry. Its operations are based in media and marketing, publishing, business information, and broadcasting, all based in Dubai as the ground zero for the company with future plans of expanding to the regions in the UAE.  The business will target learning institutions in the region since they have a wide demographic scope and very few competitors. The start-up capital will be towards establishing the business premises, internet servers, computers, office furniture as well as marketing of the company and its operations.

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There’s nothing too horrible in this paper. Some poorly constructed sentences, as well as a number of minor grammar mistakes, can spoil the overall impression of the paper. But generally it is fine. But it won’t score higher than a C, I guess.

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