Marijuana Regulation

Task: Write a research paper on a substance that is regulated by either Maryland or federal regulations.
Essay Topic: Marijuana Regulation
Essay Type: Research paper
Length: 3 pages
Formatting: MLA
Requirements: Do some research and give a complete breakdown on how much of a discharge of the substance is regulated and reportable. Provide the date when it became regulated and why it became regulated.
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Marijuana is a drug that has been associated with several uses across the United States. The drug has been characterized with a lot of controversies in the past with its effect on the normal functioning of its users being questioned (Caulkins, Hawken, Kilmer & Kleiman, 2012). However, it is evident that different groups have identified with the drug with some identifying its use as medical while others view it as a stimulant drug just like heroin and cocaine. Others have also used it as an antidepressant because of its effects on the users. However, what is clear is that it is drug which is harmful depending on its use. This drug is usually grown in humid areas and usually it finds its way into the American market through import routes from illegal traders in other countries. The leaves are used as the useful parts of the marijuana plant. Some smoke just like cigarettes the leaves while other boiling them and then drink the juice extracted from the leaves. Further, others dry its leaves and sniff the powdered leaves to get the desired effect. Hence, it takes several forms in terms of its usage. Regimes have battled with civil rights groups as well as the users of this drug when there are matters of regulation to be enforced (English, 1996).

The fight to regulate use of marijuana started several centuries back, for instance, attempts to regulate its use were thwarted in the year 1619. Subsequent governments battled with the same opposing forces. However, the controlled substances act of the year 2007 marked a new beginning for the drug in America. This legal act set certain quantities of the drug that would be legally accepted in America. Hence, the law was against those individuals or organizations that ferried, possessed or consumed large quantities of the drug. Therefore, the law was enforced to restrict entry of large quantities of marijuana while giving the small users to continue consuming the drug without affected others of influencing the community differently. The drug under the federal law has been categorized as schedule I drug which is implying that the drug is highly addictive and that there can never be any medicinal use derived from it. Therefore, doctors are not allowed to prescribe this drug to any patients. However, the first amendment allowed doctors to recommend this drug to patients who need it for instance those under its rehabilitation. The Drug Enforcement Agency is focused on dealing with cases of abuse or excessive use of this drug which violates the law. The federal law does not recognize this as a drug that is fit for any form of human consumption and is hence prohibited. For those that the drug has been recommended, DEA keeps a clean look at them especially those individuals who are supposed to take the drug and their caregivers. This group might be ignored and pardoned by the DEA however; the federal government does not recognize this. Therefore, this is a form of a federal regulation of the marijuan a drug (Nagle, 2008).

This drug was regulated because of its several negative effects that resulted directly out of its consumption. Many youths have been caught wasting themselves away using this drug as a painkiller or a anti-depressant. At one time, this drug was linked to high number of dropouts that was recorded from students that used the drug. In addition, criminality in terms of street gangs and thugs were heavily associated with the use of marijuana. Such made them violent as a result of the drug, they committed crimes and hence became a threat to local security. Secondly, this drug was noted to pose health risks associated with its long-term use. Most of these are mental illnesses and even cancer resulting from damage to the lungs from its smoke. Research revealed that marijuana was responsible for 50 to 70% of cancer cases higher than ordinary cigarettes (English, 1996). Further, this drug has been noted to cause temporary sterility in men and as such, it can lead to infertility and prevent reproduction in long-term use. Further, this same drug has been found to upset the normal menstrual cycle in women hence affects reproduction and health. Further, this drug has been considered and subsequently classified as one of the most highly addictive drugs in America just like cocaine and heroin. Hence, its use is not tolerated; however, some states have been lenient on its users and dealers. This is a critical provision in the context of drug regulation and establishment of critical laws to govern the utilization of drugs (Cermak, 2003).

In conclusion, it noted that marijuana is a common drug and it is not indigenous in America. Its sources are foreign. The tax law of 1934 can be classified as case where companies were heavily fought with the aim of pushing them out of the marijuana business due to its perceived effects on populations and the general well being in a society. Therefore, its use must be understood to be highly regulated except for critical cases where its prescription is necessary.

Works cited

Caulkins, J. P., Hawken, A., Kilmer, B., & Kleiman, M. (2012). Marijuana legalization: What everyone needs to know.

Cermak, T. L. (2003). Marijuana: What’s a parent to believe?. Center City, MN: Hazelden.

English, J. (1996). Marijuana Use in America: Hearing Before the Committee on the Judiciary U. S. House of. S.l.: Diane Pub Co.

Nagle, J. M. (2008). Marijuana. New York: Rosen Pub. Group.

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I guess the author was high when writing it. I laughed a lot and spent a good time reading this paper, but it is still bad as hell.

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