Should Businesses Move to the Cloud?

Task: Write an analysis essay about opportunities of cloud computing.
Essay Topic: Should Businesses Move to the Cloud?
Essay Type: Analysis essay
Length: 2 pages
Formatting: MLA
Requirements: Analyze advantages and disadvantages of using cloud computing for small and medium businesses. Prove your point of view with strong arguments.
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It is without a doubt that cloud computing has introduced various elements of simplicity in business both small enterprises, medium and well established companies. The scope of business is wide and it is paramount that every business owner comes up with various ways of appealing to its clientele and ensures that they get value for purchase. Cloud computing has enhanced various ways and mechanisms of providing a technology that enhances business growth that resonates well with the changing trends in business and technology. It is a concept that its recognition and use continuously is growing and taking the world of business to another level and scope of operation. It focuses on maximizing the effective use of the shared resources, which may not necessarily be multiple users but may be depending on the demand of a particular resource. With the great demand of a particular resource cloud computing focuses on proper management of a particular resource without leading to any environmental damage. It is imperative it focuses on responsible utilization.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

Proper utilization of cloud computing technology can result to various institutions benefiting from the concept. Additionally, sharing of data will be made easier. Cloud computing is cost efficient and easy to maintain, use and to upgrade. Acquisition of desktop software, maintenance, and to upgrade is a costly affair for many companies if not all. Getting the licenses especially when it is used by multiple users, when having to foot the license fees for usage by multiple users, the establishment will have to pay a lot of money for the software. The fact that many companies share a central server and are able to use various management software from the server without having to install it on their computers, makes business operations really cost effective as only a small fee will be charged to the subscribing company. It the aim of every company to operate in the most cost effective manner while still keeping brand definition and business significance. Cloud computing provides unlimited storage capacity for the user company thus the business does not have to worry about storage capacity. Ideally, it has solved the problems such as the ones related to back-ups and this sets in focus on other areas of business relevance. There is ease in data recovery as the cloud service providers are competent to handle any recovery of information. This makes any information handling very easier than the traditional ways of handling company information.

Cloud computing has automatic software integration mechanism thus no additional efforts to customize and integration of applications within the preferred operating interfaces. One will just pick up the applications that are of concern and directly link to the operations of a particular company. It also allows for one to customize applications to suit ones operations. Cloud computing also enhances ease of information flow, allows one to track and trace the root and information flow to destination. The installation and operation time with cloud computing is a matter of minutes.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

In as much as the information on cloud computing can be accessed anywhere anytime, the system can be dysfunctional. It is prone to technical issues and outages besides keeping the best team of cloud computing providers, and one will also need a very good internet connection to log into the system. There are other issues such as security of information in the system since it is possible to access easily ones information. The system also runs a risk of hack attack and various other threats.


As every other thing, that has pros and cons so do cloud computing. In as much as it can be an asset to a company, it also causes the greatest harm to a company. However, it is something that holds a major solution to company software and application management.

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Overall Impression:
The topic itself is interesting, but the way the author wrote the paper on it has totally killed this interest. Poorly organized and expressed arguments don’t work. Grammar is not okay. Writing style and syntax are poor. Simply bad paper.

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